
Technology and Politics

mobile-politics.jpgPoliticsandmediablog. 2016. Technology’s Influences on political Campaigns – politicsandmediablog. [ONLINE] Available at: https://politicsandmediablog.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/technologys-influences-on-political-campaigns/. [Accessed 21 August 2018].

With the expansion of technology came the expansions of a new era, at which technology has grown to be the centre point of every day life. So of course technology has come a long way in regards to how it is used in society,  from school, to work and even politics, technology has now become extremely important on a world wide scale.  In relevance to politics specifically, how far has it come? Politics is now obviously very social media based, with campaigns running on social media forums and online during election time. I always see campaigns pop up on facebook or run at adds on youtube. But where did all this start?

  1. Thomas Jefferson – The Newspaper

Thomas Jefferson was President of America from the 4th of March 1801 to the 4th of  photo-1523995462485-3d171b5c8fa9March 1809.  Obviously he didn’t just become president over night, in fact his election in 1800 was one of the most important elections in history marking the first transition in power from one party to another. It was also one of the first elections where the newspaper was used as a form of campaigning. Jefferson was able to observe that “the engine is the press” with many Americans voters making up their minds up who to vote for based on what they read in the newspaper.  Interesting to see how even in the early 1800’s the media was still able to make such a big difference for Jefferson and its only grown from here.


   2.  Franklin D. Roosevelt – The Radio

photo-1510130564579-d2caf45b72f3The early 1920’s to the 30’s saw the invention of the radio become a popular house hold item. It was therefore during the 1932 Presidential election that Franklin D. Roosevelt, later named President, became the first candidate to use the radio for campaigning purposes. Knowing that the majority of the American population were listening to the radio Roosevelts clever use of the radio sealed his leadership for 1933.  However Roosevelts use of the radio did not extinguish prior to his election. From March 1933 to June 1944, Roosevelt spoke to the American people via the radio, with up to 30 speeches later being named the “fireside chats.” These speeches were said to uplift the people and bring them comfort in hard situations. Once again another very clever technique from the former president.


3. John F. Kennedy – The Television

photo-1467293622093-9f15c96be70fJohn F. Kennedy or JFK as he was often referred to was the first American president to use television not only during his campaign but during his reign as president. Kennedy was able to understand the importance and potential of the television around the world, and through charm and wit, made himself welcome in America’s living rooms. Kennedy seemed to have the right look for television, being extremely popular with the American population due to his way of expressing himself more personally than any of his predecessors. He new the power of the press and was therefore able to use them in a way that ultimately helped him campaign greatly. Kennedys use of the television opened up the future for many presidents after him.


4. Barack Obama – The World Wide Web / Social Media

photo-1517292987719-0369a794ec0fDuring 2012 the internet and social media had taken over, becoming an extremely popular means of accessing data, communication and news. Obama was able to see this through his supporters, many of which were in the younger generation and to therefore connect with them he was able to successfully use social media and the internet in ways that would allow them to believe in and vote for his campaign. Obama’s election later labelled the facebook election allowed for him to be the first occupant of the White House to have won a presidential election on the Web. Now social media and the internet are extremely important in campaigning and Obama was able to show this greatly when he was elected in 2012.

It’s therefore extremely interesting to have a look at how far technology has taken us in regards to politics. As someone who has never found politics very interesting I didn’t really take into consideration how much of an influence technology could really have in an election and even during someones time serving as president. Without technology we would be seeing a completely different side to politics and even the news. Social media and the web have change the way we view everything around us, I know the majority of the news I see comes from my facebook feed. This was obviously not something that was available until more recent years,something that definitely made me think about whats actually in store for the future of technology.
Jill Lepore. 2007. The Press, the Propagandists, and the Election of 1800 | The New Yorker. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/09/17/party-time. [Accessed 21 August 2018].
Politicsandmediablog. 2016. Technology’s Influences on political Campaigns – politicsandmediablog. [ONLINE] Available at: https://politicsandmediablog.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/technologys-influences-on-political-campaigns/. [Accessed 21 August 2018].
HISTORY.com. 2018. The Fireside Chats – Facts & Summary – HISTORY.com. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.history.com/topics/fireside-chats. [Accessed 21 August 2018].
Bob Schieffer. 2017. John F. Kennedy: Our first television president – CBS News. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-f-kennedy-our-first-television-president/. [Accessed 21 August 2018].

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